Brewing Instructions

Here you will find our suggested brewing guidelines for all our coffee.

Because grinder model, burr age, and water chemistry will have in impact on your coffee, the following is meant as a starting point for brewing; you can tailor your brewing process as you go forward.

Colombia Finca Agua Blanco

Brewer: V60 02

Ratio: ≈15.5

Coffee: 22 grams

Grind: medium; 7A Baratza Forte BG; 17 Baratza Virtuoso

Water: 340 grams

TDS: 150 ppm

Temperature: 205° Fahrenheit

Brew Time: 2:20-2:40


1. Rinse paper filter with 100 grams of water.

2. Discard rinse water.

3. Add 22 grams of ground coffee to V60.

4. Start timer.

5. Using a spiral pattern, add 60 grams of water.

6. At 0:45, add an additional 180 grams of water for a total of 240 grams of water.

7. At 1:30, add an additional 50 grams of water for a total of 290 grams of water.

8. At 1:55, add the final addition of 50 grams of water for a total of 340 grams of water.

9. Extraction should complete between 2:20-2:40.


This washed lot of Colombia Finca Agua Blanco takes well to a high brew temp to maximize sweetness and aromatics in the cup.  A 60 gram bloom followed by a large water addition ensures full saturation of the coffee grounds and high slurry temperature.  Two smaller water additions help extend the total brew time for an Extraction TDS of 1.45% and Extraction Yield of 19.76%.

Kenya Rungeto

Brewer: V60 02

Ratio: ≈15.5

Coffee: 22 grams

Grind: medium; 7G Baratza Forte BG; 19 Baratza Virtuoso

Water: 340 grams

TDS: 150 ppm

Temperature: 205° Fahrenheit

Brew Time: 2:20-2:40


1. Rinse paper filter with 100 grams of water.

2. Discard rinse water.

3. Add 22 grams of ground coffee to V60.

4. Start timer.

5. Using a spiral pattern, add 60 grams of water.

6. At 0:45, add an additional 190 grams of water for a total of 250 grams of water.

7. At 1:35, add the final addition of 90 grams of water for a total of 340 grams of water.

8. Extraction should complete between 2:20-2:40.


This washed AA lot of Kenya Rungeto doesn't require too much coaxing to achieve a high extraction.  A 60 gram bloom followed by two large additions of water allows for a complete extraction while avoiding unnecessary agitation or an extended brew time.

Extraction TDS was 1.42% with an Extraction Yield of 19.34%.

Kenya Kii

Brewer: V60 02

Ratio: ≈15.5

Coffee: 22 grams

Grind: medium; 7G Baratza Forte BG; 19 Baratza Virtuoso

Water: 340 grams

TDS: 150 ppm

Temperature: 205° Fahrenheit

Brew Time: 2:20-2:40


1. Rinse paper filter with 100 grams of water.

2. Discard rinse water.

3. Add 22 grams of ground coffee to V60.

4. Start timer.

5. Using a spiral pattern, add 60 grams of water.

6. At 0:45, add an additional 190 grams of water for a total of 250 grams of water.

7. At 1:35, add the final addition of 90 grams of water for a total of 340 grams of water.

8. Extraction should complete between 2:20-2:40.


This washed AA lot of Kenya Kii doesn't require too much coaxing to achieve a high extraction.  A 60 gram bloom followed by two large additions of water allows for a complete extraction while avoiding unnecessary agitation or an extended brew time.

Extraction TDS was 1.40% with an Extraction Yield of 19.07%.


Panama Hacienda La Esmeralda Mario Arriba

Brewer: V60 02

Ratio: ≈14.6

Coffee: 24 grams

Grind: medium; 7A Baratza Forte BG; 18 Baratza Virtuoso

Water: 350 grams

TDS: 150 ppm

Temperature: 205° Fahrenheit

Brew Time: 2:25-2:45


1. Rinse paper filter with 100 grams of water.

2. Discard rinse water.

3. Add 24 grams of ground coffee to V60.

4. Start timer.

5. Using a spiral pattern, add 60 grams of water.

6. At 0:45, add an additional 90 grams of water for a total of 150 grams of water.

7. At 1:15, add an additional 100 grams of water for a total of 250 grams of water.

8. At 1:45, add the final addition of 100 grams of water for a total of 350 grams of water.

9. Extraction should complete between 2:25-2:45.


This lot utilizes a new drying technique in Specialty Coffee, where the coffee seeds are dried in a cool, dehumidified room rather than using traditional sun drying on patios or raised beds.  The absence of heat during the drying process helps preserve the structural integrity of the coffee seed.  As a result, this lot brews like a washed coffee despite being anaerobically fermented and naturally processed.  A 60 gram bloom allows for degassing of the coffee grounds, while three 90-100 gram pulses of water serve to extend the active brewing time.  A 205°F brewing temperature further ensures a complete extraction.

Extraction TDS was 1.48% with an Extraction Yield of 18.68%.

Ethiopia Gore Dako Lot #2

Brewer: V60 02

Ratio: ≈15.5

Coffee: 22 grams

Grind: medium; 7A Baratza Forte BG; 17 Baratza Virtuoso

Water: 340 grams

TDS: 150 ppm

Temperature: 205° Fahrenheit

Brew Time: 2:30-2:50


1. Rinse paper filter with 100 grams of water.

2. Discard rinse water.

3. Add 22 grams of ground coffee to V60.

4. Start timer.

5. Using a spiral pattern, add 60 grams of water.

6. At 0:45, add an additional 90 grams of water for a total of 150 grams of water.

7. At 1:15, add an additional 100 grams of water for a total of 250 grams of water.

8. At 1:45, add the final addition of 90 grams of water for a total of 340 grams of water.

9. Extraction should complete between 2:30-2:50.


The high-altitude growing conditions of this Ethiopia Gore Dako result in a dense coffee seed that benefits from a high-temperature brewing environment.  A 60 gram bloom allows for degassing of the coffee grounds, while three 90-100 gram pulses of water serve to extend the active brewing time.  Coupled with a 205°F brewing temperature, we achieve a near 20% extraction.

Extraction TDS was 1.45%, with an Extraction Yield of 19.76%.